Solar Dryer

Drying of food grains in the fields by exposure to sun has been very common in India since ancient times. he industrialization in the present century created a demand for controlled drying of many agricultural products such as tobacco, wood, peaches, resins, etc., since such products retain the flavour, quality and appearance and thus have better sale prospects. The other advantage is that such products could be dried in peak season and made available for consumption throughout the year.

Solar dryers are used to eliminate the moisture content from crops, vegetables, and fruits. Solar dryers could be classified as direct or indirect types. The former involves directly exposing the material to the sun. While in the latter, the material is dried by circulating hot air over it without directly exposing the material to the sun.

Sowin Power offers a solar dryer with different compartments for various products which can dry the products at faster rate keeping its nutrients values intact. The products can be preserved for the longer period of time.

The advantages of solar dryers over traditional open sun drying include –

  • a smaller area of land in order to dry similar amounts of crop
  • relatively high quality of dry crop, because insects and rodents are unlikely to infest it during drying
  • shortened drying period
  • protection from sudden rain
  • low capital and running costs.
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